January 30, 2016

January Haul

Alright I was bad this month, but I have an excuse for some of it and it's all Indigo's fault.

1. The Rain - Virginia Bergin
- this is a series I've never heard of before and it sounded really awesome to me.

2. The Storm - Virginia Bergin
- so awesome I bought the second book too!

3. Sweet Evil - Wendy Higgin's
- this one has been on my to-buy list forever and I finally saw a copy at the store, so I went for it!

4. The Empty Throne - Cayla Kluver
- this is the second book and I wanted to grab it while it was still in hardcover so that it would match the first one.

5. Surrender
6. Abandon
by: Elana Johnson
- they were running low at the store and I wanted to grab the rest of the series before they got ran out. (That's justified right?)

These next nine books are because Indigo emailed me saying "We topped up your points from $50 off to $100 off and this will go back to normal on Sunday."

Yea, so I got nine books for a total of $16. That's pretty dang good!

7. The Three Musketeers

8. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

9. Treasure Island

10. Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo

11. Ruin and Rising - Leigh Bardugo

12. The Iron Daughter - Julie Kagawa

13. Bloodlines - Richelle Mead

14. The Golden Lily - Richelle Mead

15. Goodbye, Rebel Blue - Shelley Coriell

I also got a few beauty slash lifestyle books which is weird for me. (Yes I am aware that three of these four are YouTuber books and I love them.)

16. Twentysomething Girl

17. Life With a Sprinkle of Glitter - Louise Pentland

18. Love, Tanya - Tanya Burr

19. Make Up - Michelle Phan

And that's it. Wow, I really was good this month. Go me!

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