From Bad To Cursed by Katie Alender is an amazing second book after Bad Girls Don't Die.
I was thinking this book, trying so hard to remember what it was about and it suddenly hit me at full force. It hasn't been long since I read it, I just read it over such a long period of time.
In the first book there was a haunted doll. In this second one we have a group of girls worshipping a demon who makes them pretty. So yea its a bit different, but it's still fantastically creepy in all the right places.
The main character goes through a lot of different things. Like trying to protect her sister and keep her boyfriend out of her ghost filled life.
In the end she sets us up for the third book perfectly.
I loved this book probably the most out of all the three. There are just so many interesting things about it that I can't even explain how much I loved it.
If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.
Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.
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