January 31, 2016

22. Darkest Powers (Trilogy) - Kelley Armstrong

The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong is worth a re-read.

I did actually re-read them just to write this one too. Because when I first read them, it was forever ago and I read them all so quickly that I can't remember the different things that happened in each book.

So, let's talk about these three books individually. As much as I can because it is very hard to think of them as three different books when you read them all at the same time. They kind of mush together in my brain.

The Summoning, amazing. Kelley Armstrong's writing makes you feel like time is passing slowly however, so many things are happening in so little time and it lets you soak it up easily. That is probably why I love anything Kelley Armstrong writes.

In the Summoning we are introduced to Chloe, obviously though... she is the main character, and she may have her faults but she is pretty amazing. She has her reasons for freaking out (ghosts mostly) but for the most part she is really good at keeping calm when she needs to. Mostly when ghosts aren't around.

We also meet some other major characters along the way. Simon, Liz, Derek, Tori, Rae, and Chloe's Aunt Lauren. A few more that I can't remember the names of but these are the ones that pop up the most. My personal favourites happen to be Simon, Derek, Liz, and Tori. If you don't like Derek or Tori you need to keep reading onto the next book.

The Awakening most definitely has more stuff going on. More ghosts, more running, more bushes. More of just everything really. It's amazing. If you liked The Summoning then you'll love The Awakening.

Never a dull moment in The Awakening. There seems to always be something going on and Derek is always there to rescue Chloe and the rest of them. Though, for the most part they can take care of themselves. Especially Tori.

Though (of course) most things get real when we finally get into the third book, The Reckoning. This book is my favourite mostly due to the cemetery scene. When I first read this book that was the scene that stuck in my head the most and it's what I know I'll remember whenever I think about these books.

I don't know why that scene stays in my head almost perfectly throughout these years, but it mostly reminds me how amazing this trilogy is.

If you've never read this trilogy, I highly suggest that you pick it up and read it now. It's worth it.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

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