August 25, 2019

68. The Martian - Any Weir

Some space survival, Mars, and lots of stupid jokes. Talk about my cup of tea.

This book leaves you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Holy shit. I never thought I would love a Mars survival story as much as I do now. So much so that I bought the sequel.

The humour in this book was also 100%.

I didn't even care that I didn't understand any of the science stuff they were talking about. I honestly didn't need to understand it to have a fun time reading this book.

My boss borrowed this book and read it before I did and she left me little page numbers that were her favourites and it was nice to see which ones those were as I read them. She loved the movie beforehand and had no idea that it was based off a book. I really did enjoy the movie after reading the book as well. But there were just some great humour jokes that the movie missed that I absolutely adored in the book.

I cannot wait to read the next book, Artemis.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

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