August 14, 2019

64. P.S. I Still Love You - Jenny Han

Sweet, sweet teen romance.

I think this book was my favourite out of all of the Lara Jean ones. I loved John Ambrose McClaren.

However, I think I will always love the second choice of the main characters. I always love the boy they donèt choose because I want them for myself. (Example; I want Jacob and Bella can have Edward. I hope that helps.)

I also love his grandmother so, so, so much. From the bottom of my heart.

Every character in here is just overwhelmingly amazing and  I can never get enough of them. I'm going to have to read all three books back to back one day and cry all over again.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

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