February 29, 2016

February Wrap-Up and March TBR

February was another good month for reading for me!

1. The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater
-okay, can I just say that this book may be one of my top five reads of 2016 already and it's only February. I'm serious.

2. Cinder - Marissa Meyer
-I shouldn't have picked up this book until after Easter. Because it's lent and I gave up book buying and I don't own the next one and my book hangover lasted like a week and a half after finishing this. I couldn't even function properly at work.

3. The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
-I re-read this and I'm so glad I did! I plan on trying to finish re-reading the whole series this year!

4. The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater
-I can't even begin to say how much I love this.

March is going to be very hard to decide what to read. But here are a few options that I'd like to read.

1. Red Queen - Victoria Aveyard
-the second book came out on the first day of lent and it's haunted me ever since. So I figured I better read this so I can get the second one if I like it right after Easter.

2. Blue Lily, Lily Blue- Maggie Stiefvater
-I can't get enough of this series at the moment

3. Rebel Belle - Rachel Hawkins
- I feel like I need to get on this level.

4. Spirit Bound - Richelle Mead
-I seriously need to finish this book. Like soon.

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