My first thought after reading Of Triton was that this book was not necessary. The only real scene I figured I needed ended up being the last one in the whole book.
But nope. Anna gave us a whole other plot thing to worry about. I got where everything came from but I still didn't see the need for this book.
There were two villains though this book and I still am not sure if they knew each other or not. Most of it was kind of a blur.
Also, I didn't really like Reed at all. He was a player and full of himself at most points. His younger sibling however, was pretty funny and cute. (In a little kid sort of way.)
The more time that has passed since I read this book, the more I think it really didn't need to be written. I still loved most of it.
But seriously, when Galen leaves, Emma would/should have worried more. Like, he has never done that before so you seriously should have been a tad more worried about the whole situation. Galen would have been.
I gave it 5 stars, more like 4.75 though. I loved it but it had a lot of flaws and didn't really measure up to the awesomeness of the first two books that came before it.
(I just noticed but this picture is really blurry, so sorry about that.)
Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.
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