December 31, 2015

December Haul

1. Challenger Deep - Neal Shusterman
-I heard about this one this summer and it sounded super interesting to me, but I only just saw it in the store while Christmas shopping and well oops.

2. Isla and the Happily Ever After -Stephanie Perkins
-I now have the last book in this trilogy and it makes me super happy. I will read them all very soon, hopefully.

3. Wandering Star - Romina Russell
-I have the first book, Zodiac, and I haven't read it yet but I saw this one and I wanted to get it in hardcover so they match. Also, I got it like four days early because my Chapters has no idea when books are released. (This is the second time this has happened.)

4. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Seth Grahame-Smith
-been wanting this for so long but I've never seen if so I had to grab it when I did. And it was the only copy they had.

5. I'll Give you the Sun - Jandy Nelson
-finally saw it in paperback so I went for it.

6. Deadly Class, Vol. 1: Reagan Youth - Rick Remender
-I'm trying to get into graphic novels, so I've been buying some...

--PS I also got the second and third volume of this however I'm too lazy to add them to the numbers and change everything around. This is kind of like an after note after I made the list.--

7. Low, Vol. 2: Before the Dawn Burns Us - Rick Remender
-and another one...

8. Saga, Vol. 2 - Brian K. Vaughan
-and another one...

9. Saga, Vol. 3 - Brian K. Vaughan
-and another one...

10. Sapphire Blue - Kersten Gier
-a sequel to a book I haven't read yet... oops...

11. The Exiled Queen - Cinda Williams Chima
-its a sequel to a book I still haven't started. I'm good at buying sequels before reading the first book.

12. Heir of Fire - Sarah J. Mass
-hey look it's this series everyone is talking about. I still need to start this...

13. Eldest - Christopher Paolini
-sequel to Eragon, going to finally get into this...

14. Nimona - Noelle Stevenson
-oh look, another one.

For Christmas I got three books from two of my bestest friends!

1. The Wrath and the Dawn - Renee Ahdieh
-I've actually been wanting this forever.

2. The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
- same

3. Unforgiven - Lauren Kate
-so this is actually book five in a series that I own the first book to, however I tried to read it so long ago and couldn't get past like the fifth chapter or something weird because I hated the main character. But I'm going to try reading it again just so I can put this book to good use because it looks pretty and one of my best friends bought it for me. Sorry that was a long explanation.

On the day after boxing day I went a little crazy....

1. Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
-I've heard so many good things about this series and I want to see if all the good things are true.

2. Crossed - Ally Condie
-sequel to a book I already have but haven't read yet, look at me go.

3. Hollow City - Ransom Riggs
- same

4. Blue Lily, Blue Lily - Maggie Stiefvater
- same

5. Sanctum - Madeleine Roux
- same

6. Spell Bound
7. Demonglass - Rachel Hawkins
--same and same...

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