The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White is nothing what you expect it to be.
There are some good romantic lines in there that are worthy of noticing but this book just didn't cut it for me.
I learned a lot more about Egyptian Gods and Goddess' which I really enjoyed but the bulk of this story made me want to stop so many times.
The main character is super sarcastic all the freaking time that I seriously wanted to punch her in the face. Most of the time she would think one way and make her actions go completely the opposite way. It was so painful to read.
Around page... 272 it got super interesting with the Greek family they added in. I kind of saw it coming but I really liked having that bit in there.
Then the climax came and it lasted less than a page and ended without, well, really anything special. It kind of just happened then nothing afterwards.
This idea had so much potential and could have been so much better.
Seriously, just because your parents have been around for a million years does not mean they don't understand sarcasm. In fact, they should be better at pointing it out since they are GODS after all. They would be so much smarter than this author makes them. Even after having hundreds of children go through the teen years, they should be experts at this kind of thing!
I gave this 3 stars on goodreads although its more like a 2.5 star rating. I wanted this book to be so good but it was just, well I was relieved to finally finish it. Words cannot describe how disappointed I was with the entirety of his book.
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Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.
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