July 23, 2020

94. Ready Player One - Ernest Cline

Okay I will admit that I watched the movie first on this one.

The movie is one of my favourite movies of all time and now this book is one of my favourites of all time.

I loved the ideas and details that went into creating this universe inside an online video game. This was everything 80's and I really, really, really wish I could live in the Oasis. So, so bad you have no idea.

This follows a cast of characters inside the Oasis, an online video game where pretty much all life is lived these days (the future). Here the creator of the game has died and created one last thing, a contest. The contest is a race to find three keys after completing three challenges where you open a door and you win everything. Literally everything.

The trials are heavily based on the creators early life in the 80's where he felt most comfortable and enjoyed his life the most. So, the contestants really have to know a lot about his life in those days to understand where and what the challenges are.

In the movie, the challenges change drastically, but both of them are well thought out and incredibly detailed.

I literally cannot describe to you how much I enjoy reading this and watching the movie.

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