July 6, 2020

89. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - Stephen King

Right so...

A little background before I tell you my thoughts on this book.

I have a friend, who is obsessed with Stephen King. She owns like half of what he's written and has read most of them. I want so badly to start reading Stephen King and I purchased IT like two Christmases ago but like that book is so big, its intimidating.

So my friend, who loves Stephen King, asked if I wanted one of his books last Christmas. Obviously, that's a yes from me. She went shopping with her other friend, who neither of us is friends with anymore for different reasons, and that second friend told her to buy me The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. That friend told my Stephen King friend that I would love it because she and I have the same taste in books? No, I've recommended her some books that I thought she'd like and she did so she picked out this book for me.

My aunt, whom I live with, also loves baseball and many of my friends are well aware of this. So I guess she got it in her head that I too, love baseball.

I suffered through this book for the most part. It only took me two days to read it really. My Stephen King friend also told me when I was halfway through that she never actually finished reading it because she didn't like it at all.

I was mostly reading it because of the OWLs readathon I was doing and I needed it for Charms - an adult genre book. So I got that class and all is well.

But this book is a lot of hallucinating baseball in the wild that I didn't need in my life. The only thing I got from this is I actually finished reading a Stephen King books whereas it has been about nine months and I've still only read about 100 pages of IT.


In case you got bored and didn't finish the book either...

She talks to a lot of people that aren't there. Three 'Gods' tell her they don't have time for her. Nine days after she goes missing, she tries to fight a bear with her walkman. Then she is rescued when some man shoots that bear and brings her to the hospital (I think).

That's it.

I gave it three stars because it wasn't terrible, it was just a tad boring and I could have probably taken a nap while reading it. The end.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

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