Welcome to the end.
I honestly put off reading this book for so long because I didn't want it to ever end. I still haven't read fairest either because I'd like to think that this world will never disappear.
I never want to say goodbye to any of these characters.
Cress finally got her happily ever after. I feel awful for Wolf but go him and Scarlet! Cinder's life finally came together and the moon is finally her's! For now. It was a sad and beautiful ending and I'll have a bookhangover for a couple of weeks probably, it was that amazing.
I mean, all of us always want more anyways. But I loved everything about this and the ending was perfect. Unlike some other endings of some other books that I may or may not be salty about still.
Winter, however, was amazing. Although I wish I could see what their future day-to-day could be after the big win, I know that's not how this stuff works.
Now I must convince myself to read Fairest and accept that this story is over. Good luck to me.
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Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.
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