Famous Last Words by Katie Alender was kind of amazing.
This book got me out of a reading slump. There's ghosts and mystery murder and I loved every second of it. Katie Alender is amazing and I think that I'll read anything she'll write.
Willa is a great character going through a lot of difficult things. Wyatt was great from the start. I liked him from the beginning. Marine I didn't like. At all. She was crazy and at one point I was certain she was the killer.
Part of me wishes she was, sadly the killer was a guy.
I'll try not to ruin anything. Maybe I should stop while I'm ahead.
If you want something that's seems sweet and innocent but ends up being a crazy ride into crazy-ville, you should pick this up.
The situation Willa is in at the beginning of the book seems like every teenage girl's dream. Moving to Hollywood with a new rich and slightly famous stepfather. However, Katie Alender skips over all the stuff you dream about and makes it more real.
That is why I love it so much. It's more real than fantasy. Well, aside from the ghosts.
But I believe in ghosts.
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Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.
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