Angelfall by Susan Ee and I have a love-hate relationship.
I'm writing this review next because I plan on starting the second book 'World After' the day after I write this. (Not the day it's posted in case you were curious.)
Angelfall was a long shot for me. It sounded interesting enough but I never thought I'd get the urge to go ahead and purchase it. But I did, and soon after finishing it I bought the other two in the series.
I absolutely love Susan Ee's writing style. It caught my attention almost immediately. I love, love, the maid character Penryn even though I haven't got a clue how to say her name out loud, let alone in my own head.
As much as I loved this book, the decisions Penryn made along the way often angered me. She is very flawed and very human and I loved that about her but, oh man was I angry while reading this. i don't even know where all the anger came from but it was there from about chapter three and on.
I read part of this book with my cousin at the lake. We just chilled on the boat that was docked and read our own books in the presence of each others company until I got to the part where the twins convince her to start a fight (I hope that doesn't give a lot away) and I had to put it down.
My cousin thought it was hilarious that I didn't pick up the book for about a week. When I did pick it up it was because I was on a bus going home for three hours and had nothing else to do. I managed to finish it on the bus and the ending made me angry.
I mean you'd think that the all-mighty angel Raffe would have been able to tell if someone was dead but nope. That was the main reason I bought the second and third books. Because of the weird cliffhanger ending. I just couldn't leave it at that.
Despite how much I hate it while reading it, I need closure.
On my goodreads I gave it 3 stars. Probably more like 3.5 currently because I've kind of gotten over how angry it made me. Kind of.
I'm just hoping the second book doesn't make me as angry as the first. Well, maybe I want it to make me angry actually. It made things more interesting. I've never had a book make me that angry though the whole thing. Not a hate-angry but more like a constant second-hand embarrassment angry. An angry that you can't help but have over the characters and their actions.
Though, Penryn is a real badass when we really get down to it. Also, I love her mother no matter how crazy she seems to be to other people. I'm actually really happy her mom is the way she is. It made some things more interesting.
And her sister is pretty badass too.
Her family is just so dysfunctional that you can't help but love them all. It makes everything seem more real and more human than you'd think. Which is one of the huge reasons I love this book. Her family is just fantastic.
If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.
Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.
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