June 11, 2020

85. The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan

So, Rick, here we are.

I knew that I needed to read this and here we are. I've read it and get ready for my thoughts. Percy Jackson series is one of my favourite series of all time. I've read it twice and I was getting into the mood to reading it again and I told myself to stop. You finally have the entire Heros of Olympus series - I bought them over Christmas break 2018 - so you should read something new.

Yes, I was going to like it. I knew I would. My brother loves the series and considering some of the characters reoccur in this series, then I would like to read that.

Boy, was all of this an understatement.

Percy Jackson is missing and a dude named Jason shows up with new friends Piper and Leo. These three show up at camp and get a quest of their own in like five minutes and leave the next morning. (This was like the only issue I had with this book... like give them a week?) However, this book was so long I see why he did it this way.

I gave it 5/5 stars because obviously and added it to my favourite books list on Goodreads. I really liked most of the villains - King Midas was the best honestly - and the dragon was awesome. Poor Leo, we need to protect the baby. Piper though is honestly my hero, she's the daughter of the Goddess of love and she's badass about it. Really comes into her own skin and I love her for it.

Please read this and Percy Jackson. It's the best thing ever. I'm off to read the next one now.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

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