January 27, 2018

47. Spirit Bound - Richelle Mead

Okay, I'll have to admit, it took me longer than I would have liked to finish this book. Like two years or something. I could have sworn I already wrote this post as well. However, I cannot seem to find it in the abyss that is my blog posts or anywhere on my computer. So here we go again.

I actually just finished Last Sacrifice (the book right after Spirit Bound) and its going to be a little hard to focus on this one with all the excitement of the beautiful Vampire Academy series.

So, here we go!

The first half of this book, that I read like two years ago, was still very, very exciting. I knew that if I just picked up the book I could finish it very easily. I love Rose sooooo much! Maybe I just never wanted this series to end. Luckily for me, Richelle Mead has a spin off type series called Bloodlines and I already have the first two books.

The second half took me like a few hours to read and it was just as amazing as the first. Richelle always has me on the edge of my seat with wondering what is happening.

In Spirit Bound, they break a(n evil) dude out of jail and learn new magic which they (semi-)easily put to use in no time flat then Rose gets arrested. Lots of crazy in between and never a dull moment I swear! This'll be a series I'll come back to lots. Right after I read Bloodlines of curse!

Have you read this series yet?

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

69. A Darker Shade of Magic - V.E. Schwab

Okay, I'm not actually finished this book yet but I just wanted to say a few things.

When I first started reading this, the writing drew me in. Victoria Schwab is an amazing writer. Brought me in right away but I put down the book like two chapters in and forgot about it for a few months. And now that my writing goal for 2018 is 50 books, I was like "Okay you need to finish books you've started and it will get your momentum going for the year."

Which so far is working really well!

So this was one of those books that I needed to finish first before I start another goddamned book. I'm on page like 273 or something right now and I just wanted to say, it took like 150 pages for something to happen. Like actually happen.

I loved reading it but I was kind of bored and pushed myself to keep going in the hopes that something would spark up.

Maybe its because of my reading slump that I'm still forcing myself to get out of or whatever. Oh well, I'm not going to finish it tonight because I have an EX Raid battle to get to in Pokemon go. So it'll probably be finished tomorrow if nothing pops up.


Final review:

Alright so Victoria, you sneaky, I see what you're doing there. The whole eye thing. And Holland. I get it. I see where this story is going.

I can't wait!!!

Sorry I have got to go and buy the rest of the books now.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

January 15, 2018

46. To All The Boys I've Loved Before - Jenny Han

This book was so relatable for me when I read it. The whole bit about being the girl who gets her heartbroken or breaks hearts really spoke to me so much that I took a picture and posted it on my Instagram.

I'm having Deja vu writing this so let me know if I've already reviewed it. I can't seem to find a draft or a post anywhere though so I'm going to continue.

Lara Jean is my spirit animal. I've never related more to a character more than I've related to her. To me, that is amazing.

Please, please read this.

I do believe I cried reading this as well. Which I'm a sucker for so...

I cannot wait to finish this series this year!!!

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

2018 - Reading Goal

So hey! I'm back! I'm going to try to review all the books I read in 2017 (and possibly 2016) that I haven't reviewed already to the best of my ability! As fast as I can.

However, for 2018 I have planned to read 50 books. I made a list of 51 books that I own currently that I'd like to read, so well see. that's not including ones I will probably buy and read right away. Also on that list is the ever so freaking huge 'IT' by Stephen King. Its what? 1200 pages? That is why there are 51 books on that list.

It's January 15th right now and I've already read 'The Darkhouse' and 'Spirit Bound' and I have about 30% left to read in 'A Darker Shade of Magic' so I'll probably finish that tomorrow!

On top of my reading goal, I have a goal to only buy 10 books this year... which will be the true struggle. I have an addiction to buying books. As one can see by my 200 book long TBR. So wish me luck!

Here is my list! Maybe you'll read one of these books too!

The Darkhouse
Spirit Bound
A Darker Shade of Magic
All The Light We Cannot See
The Pirates Wish (Re-read)
The Martian
I Was Here
The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a Fuck
There's Someone Inside Your House
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Carry On
Red Queen
Etiquette and Espionage
How to Get Your Shit Together
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
The Uncle Duncle Chronicles Escape from Treasure Island
Last Sacrifice
Lady Renegades
Hollow City
Curtsies and Conspiracies
City of Ember
Lost Stars
This is Where the World Ends
The Accident Season
Glass Sword
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Waistcoats and Weaponry
Library of Souls
The Wizard Heir
Made You Up
Dime Store Magic
The Dragon Heir
An Ember in the Ashes
Kings Cage
Beautiful Creatures
Industrial Magic
The Enchanter Heir

I'll add the authors and the links as I write the reviews. Otherwise, let me know if you'd like to know the author of these books!

Happy 2018! Happy reading!!

59. Cress - Marissa Meyer

Oh. My. Gosh.

So Its been forever since I actually finished this book but that was my first reaction upon finishing it apparently. I haven't read Winter yet so I'm going to refresh my memory really quickly and come back and let you know.

So! I think this was my favourite book by far because I loved Cress and the Captain together. On an adventure or as a couple. Soooo cute. However, Scarlet is my favourite character still.

Winter is on my list of books to read this year (2018) so hopefully I'l get to it soon! I can't wait to finish this series off, only so I can re-read it. ;)

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.

56. This Modern Love - Will Darbyshire

I read this one day when I was having a particularity bad day. Every responsibility and dream was crushing down on me and I had had enough of it. So I broke, and after I collected myself enough I picked up this work of art.

This helped me enormously.

Earlier this year I found myself daring with a Tinder and lots of hopes and dreams thinking I have found myself enough to want to share my life with someone else. This thing has kept me going through every heartbreak I have found myself with. I just look at it there on my book shelf and remember everyone's story is different and one day I will find mine.

Maybe one day I'll write a letter like that. Or maybe I'll find my own letter.

We will all have to wait and see. In the meantime, if you're all about love, or if you're not. This book is for you.

If you'd like me to read/ review a book, just leave a comment below! I'll try not to give too many spoilers or give too much away while reviewing the books, but if I do, also let me know so I can give warnings to anyone who hasn't read the books before. I appreciate all feedback, but please be respectful on constructive criticism.

Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.