Holy cramoli.
That's the reaction I left myself on this page after I had finished reading it. So I'm just going to leave it there, because it's really how I felt after putting down this book and finishing it.
The end of this book ended on a happy note and it was perfect but it left me wanting so much more. I want more about this world Kelley Armstrong created. I wanted the group to rebel and team up against the Cabals.
I also wanted Maya and Raffe to end up together, but let's not talk about that.
Seeing the characters from her Darkest Powers Trilogy was super weird to me because instead of being inside Chloe's head, we were watching her from Maya's point of view. I couldn't quite wrap my head around the fact that it was in fact Chloe and Derek and all the rest of them.
Despite the fact that all the things I wanted to happen didn't, it was amazing and wrapped up beautifully.
Oh Kelley Armstrong, why do you make me feel all these things. I swear I might just read anything that woman writes at this point.
(I know it's a bad photo! I'm really sorry!)
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Everyone's opinions are valuable so please don't make anyone feel terrible for having their own opinion on a book. Just because it's different from yours does not mean it's the wrong opinion.